There are a lot of WordPress backup tools and plugins available, many of which are packed with features and can be a great help to …
Bitnami WordPress Autoptimize cannot write to the cache directory
If you are running the Bitnami WordPress stack. unsing the Autoptimize plugin, and get the "Autoptimize cannot write to the cache directory" …
Create and delete WordPress sites in XAMPP with a batch file
If you do a lot of WordPress development work, you may find it useful to have ways to quickly spin up WP sites for testing and development …
How to fix “Error: MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly” in XAMPP control panel
Are you having trouble with the XAMPP error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly? This is usually the result of corrupted files or an improper …
Fix missing Customizer in WordPress 6
If you're using WP 6+ and have a theme that supports Full Site Editing, then you probably noticed that the Customizer is gone. But what if …
Use API to validate WordPress registrations
There are many uses for email deliverability validation, but one great (and simple) example is how to set up email validation on WordPress …
How to Install and Run WP-CLI on Windows
WP-CLI is a powerful command-line tool for managing WordPress. Unfortunately, most of the information on the Internet on how to install it …
Get an array of variation IDs for a WooCommerce product
If you need variation IDs for a WooCommerce product and you know the WC product ID, you can use one of the two following code snippets to …
Check and delete orphaned post meta in WordPress
Through the natural course of managing a WordPress site and its database, you may end up with some orphaned post meta. This is especially …